Thursday, June 21, 2018

How to set up PC for Futuromining using GPU

How to set up PC for Futuromining using GPU

1. Make sure you have an adequate PC that can mine crypto-currencies
2. Download CCminer, sgminer or dashminer.

3. Unpack the folder
4. Open configuration file using Notepad, or create new conf file if none exists.
{“pools” : [ { “url” : “stratum+tcp://pooladdress:7903“,  “user” : “walletaddress”,  “pass” : “x”, “algorithm”:”darkcoin”  }
pools = specifies the list of mining pools (in the example there is one) to which you connecturl = URL address for your mining pool including protocol name and portuser = username, most often the address of FuturoCoin, for which your rewards will flowpass = password, usually can be anythingalgorithm = mining algorithm, in this case darkcoin or darkcoin-mod
5. Change settings according to the mining pool 
6. Save the file under the name sgminer.conf , dashminer.conf or ccminer.confRelaunch the program
7. Open notepad. If use ccminer, copy and paste this code.
ccminer-x64 -a x11 -o stratum+url -u address  -p "" 
8. Replace address with your wallet receiving address. Replace url with mining pool address
9. Save notepad as .bat file.
10. Run the file and it will start mining!

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